15 Apr ard 548-Artistic CV – How to write an artistic CV?
The artist’s CV must be clear, understandable, and transparent. In this document, you present your achievements, achievements, and skills, which, together with the attached portfolio, are to impress the patron of art, gallery owner, exhibition curator, jury of the competition, i.e. anyone who needs to be interested in your work.
An artistic resume is the same as an artistic resume and is prepared for the needs of the art community. It has a slightly different form than a classic CV
The layout of the artist’s CV should include:
-Biographic note
-Profecional work
-Indyvidual exhibition
-Colective exhibition
-Works in collections
Use the principle of reversed chronology, i.e. start with the most recent artistic achievements and activities.
Its layout must be legible and understandable for everyone because you will send it to various people and institutions.
We need a well-written CV to:
-Get an exhibition
-take part in an art competition
-put your works up for an art auction in a gallery or auction house
-get a job in culture, e.g. work in a museum, an art college or in the commercial world
-apply for artistic scholarships, subsidies and grants,
-qualify for the Artist in Residence residency program
-become a contractor of one of the special projects announced for artists by commercial companies, foundations, associations and patrons of the arts.
The aesthetics of the document is of great importance in all these cases, but the most important thing is extensive, well-presented content.
Place your personal and contact details at the top of the document
You can also add your photo.
You should include information such as:
-Name and surname (not nickname)
-Date of birth (this is important to determine if your artistic development is going the right way)
-Contact (e-mail address, telephone number, link to your website or artistic portfolio)
You should not use an artistic nickname in this section of your CV, as this may mislead your reader. Your real name and surname appear on your art college diploma, in all other formal documents (e.g. on online lists of scholarship holders or competition winners), and media references (e.g. reports from exhibitions).
Thanks to this, it becomes your personal brand that you build on the art market.
If you only use a pseudonym in an artist’s CV, you will make it difficult for the reader to find or verify information about your oeuvre.
A nickname can be added next to the name
Start writing your CV with a short, several-sentence biography.
Enter the year and place of birth, write who you are, what field of art you specialize in, which exhibition or other artistic achievement was your greatest success.
You can also mention a favorable review in a well-known industry journal. In this case, add an attachment or link to your CV.
You can write this short biographical note in the first or third person. Writing in the first person allows you to establish a greater bond and better catch the attention of the person viewing your resume – but it is less formal.
The next section is:
Artist’s statement
The artist’s statement explains how an artist works, what his art means, what inspires him.
This description may be from a few sentences up to a maximum of one A4 page of text.
Artist’s statement works especially well in the CV you send to the gallery. It can also be used as a source material for a press release.
This is important because the artist’s statement is the artist’s position on his own work. In it, you can show not only the inspirations and challenges you set for yourself, but also present the concept of your own creativity.
When describing your education in your artistic CV, please provide
academic degree, name of the university and faculty and field of study, and the year of the diploma defense.
Individual and collective exhibitions in the artistic CV
List individual and collective exhibitions in separate blocks
Start with individual exhibitions and list them in reverse chronological order – from the newest to the oldest.
The formula is: year, exhibition name, city, gallery name, country
Collective exhibitions are similar. In this section, it is worth mentioning the curator of the exhibition if it is the name that immediately draws attention.
Achievements in an artistic CV
Place in it all the publications in which you have found your work.
It is about reproductions in collective catalogs, but also about internet texts or reviews of your art.
Awards / grants / scholarships
start with the year of receiving the award or scholarship, enter the name of the institution that awarded you the award, do not add unnecessary descriptions, eg “This is a very prestigious award.”
Artist residencies are a very important section of an artist’s CV. They confirm that you have been endowed with a credit of trust and thus have been recognized as a promising artist.
Direct proposals to join a residency program are very rare.
Most often, the selection of the artist depends on the recruitment result. During the recruitment, an artistic CV is always required, as well as a portfolio and a description of the project that you want to implement during your residency.
If you have already participated in the residency program, be sure to note this fact in your CV and present the results of the project.
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