15 Jan ARD 435 design process and final work
The goal of this assignment was to visualise a familiar object using elements of form through the process of documentation.
My object was a ring. (click here for the full post about this stage https://beataskorek.art/level-4/ard-435-mark-making-1/)

after that we went into research and did a mind map about our object. https://beataskorek.art/level-4/visualising-research/

after we continued into learning about Gestalt techniques and were asked to create a simplified “drawings” of our chosen object
this was followed by series of workshops where we photographed the objects etc,

the final work consisted of us finding out a way to show the object without showing the object to the viewer (https://beataskorek.art/level-4/ard-435/ard-435-search-for-a-means-of-expression/ )

After a thorough research I executed my final work – picking the book pages and light as part of the initial matrix https://beataskorek.art/level-4/ard-435-final-work/

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