ART 723 / 12.02.2023

Łukasz Łuczaj - Polish botanist, Ph.D. in biological sciences, academic lecturer, head of the Department of Botany at the University of Rzeszów, popularizer of science, video blogger and nature conservation activist, author of publications on wild edible plants.His research interests include primarily plant ecology and ethnobotany, which is also related to folk taxonomy and wild edible plants. He is a member of the editorial board of the scientific journals "Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine" and "Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae" and the creator of the new Polish journal "Etnobiologia Polska". Scientifically, he organizes archival ethnobotanical data from Poland, Slovakia, Ukraine, and...

ART 723 / 10.02.2023

Food research is the critical study of food and its contexts in science, art, history, society, and other fields. It differs from other fields of study related to food, such as nutrition, agriculture, gastronomy, and culinary arts, because it goes beyond the consumption, production, and aesthetic appreciation of food and seeks to illuminate food as it relates to a huge number of academic majors. It is therefore a field that engages and attracts philosophers, historians, scientists, literary scholars, sociologists, art historians, anthropologists, and others.It is an interdisciplinary and growing field, and as such, there is a significant intersection of academic...

ART 723 / 08.02.2023

Michael Kevin Pollan is an American writer and journalist who is currently a Professor of Non-Fiction Practice and the first Lewis K. Chan Art Lecturer at Harvard University. At the same time, he is the Knight Professor of Science and Environmental Journalism and the director of the Knight Program in Science and Environmental Journalism at the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism, where in 2020 he co-founded the UC Berkeley Center for the Science of Psychedelics, where he runs the public education program. Pollan is best known for his books that explore the sociocultural impact of food, such as The...

ART 717, Level 7 / 16.01.2023

my project which aims to explore the potential of food as an artistic tool to shift social habits in the context of food. I am drawing on the theories of pragmatism, Pierre Bordieu, and somaesthetics to understand how food can stimulate perceptual and cognitive curiosity and inspire personal and intimate transformations in the way we think about food. To achieve this, I have researched some of the most innovative and visionary chefs in the world, such as Heston Blumenthal, Herve This, Massimo Bottura, Natsuko Shoji, and Salvador Dali. These chefs have all used art as a source of inspiration in their...

ART 717, Level 7 / 16.01.2023

Prepare ingredients for dishes using simple recipes from molecular gastronomy mushroom caviar transparent blue chips transparent blue chips mushroom caviar baked herb leaves blue rice wings blue rice wings blue sushi blue sushi ...

ART 717 / 30.12.2022

I am a chef and a multidisciplinary artist, and one of my main inspirations when creating new dishes for the project is Jean Miro and his art. I am fascinated by Miro's unique style and original approach to color and form, and I try to transfer this visual expression to my kitchen by creating not only delicious but also beautiful and artistic dishes. Learning the techniques of molecular gastronomy, I use scientific methods and technologies to create new flavors and forms of dishes. Inspiration with the art of Miro will allow me to experiment with various forms and shapes of...

ART 717 / 28.12.2022

Natsuko Shoji is a Japanese chef who is deeply inspired by the traditional Japanese art form of maki-e, in which intricate designs are created using gold and silver powder. Shoji incorporates elements of maki-e into her dishes, often using handmade art boxes to present them. She believes that the beauty of the presentation can enhance the overall dining experience and that the art boxes add an extra layer of meaning and symbolism to the food. Shoji is known for her attention to detail and her passion for combining traditional techniques with modern flavors, creating unique and memorable dining experiences for...

ART 717 / 26.12.2022

Massimo Bottura, the renowned chef and owner of the Osteria Francescana restaurant in Modena, Italy, frequently draws inspiration from various forms of art in his work. He enjoys challenging his culinary team with tasks inspired by, for example, Carravagio paintings or Beatles albums. In this way, he aims to develop their creativity and encourage them to create new, unexpected dishes. Bottura believes that art can be a source of unlimited inspiration for chefs, and his own culinary creations often tell stories through the plates, narrating histories, cultures, and emotions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXrMN-AM8jw&t=867s ...

ART 717 / 22.12.2022

Salvador Dali claimed that as a child he dreamed of becoming a chef. As we know, those dreams did not come true. However, a certain attraction to cooking remained with him throughout his life. Together with his wife Gala Dali, he gave famous parties that had both a gastronomic and theatrical dimension. Invited guests dressed up in completely fantastic costumes, and wild animals roamed among surrealist tables (Dali especially loved black panthers). Although the ingredients and preparation methods of the dishes served during these events seemed extravagant, they were previously tested by famous chefs in the best Parisian restaurants, such...